Bsc Hons Fashion Marketing
CEDIA is the global industry association for residential technology, which focuses on cutting-edge education, standards development and professionalism in the smart home industry. Visit CEDIA’s dedicated COVID-19 recourse page for more information or email FSB represents small businesses and the self-employed, and provides COVID19 advice/webinars, 24/7 legal advice and support around mental health, debt recovery and employment issues. Advanced Computer Science January Start Msc If students wish to print more, printer credit can be topped up by the student. The University and Student Union are champions of sustainability and we ask all our students to consider the environmental impact before printing. Our Reprographics team also offer printing and binding services, including dissertation binding which may be required by your course with an indicative cost of £1.50-£3. Sustainable Engineering: Renewable Energy Systems & The Environment Msc Featuring key industry-recognised stan...